About My Editorial Services

My services include line editing, developmental editing, e-book and self-publishing consultation, writing, rewriting, outline development, proofreading, and manuscript critiques. All services include a follow-up phone call to discuss my editing or brainstorm a few ideas together.

Line editing involves a very close and thorough reading of your work. I mark up grammatical errors and typos and make notes about issues related to content (such as characterization, plot, pacing, and audience). With line editing, my focus is on providing you with the cleanest copy possible—a polished version of your manuscript.

Developmental editing is a slower and more intense process, focusing almost solely on content. I will read and edit to help you shape your plot, develop your characters, adjust reading level to suit your audience, refine your voice, and distill your themes. With developmental editing, there is less focus on “polish” and more on grit—digging in to whip a story into shape. A developmental edit of your work includes notes in the margins as well as a detailed editorial report with suggestions for revision.

A manuscript critique is a general assessment of your work. I will provide you with some global feedback as well as some specific suggestions for revision. Includes a detailed editorial report and some notes in the margins.

“First pages” is just as it sounds—an edit or critique of the first chapter or portion of your work. This is a way to get some quick feedback and help you to entice editors to read past the opening!

I am available for writing projects, including copy writing, ghostwriting, and major rewrites. I can also create detailed plot outlines for other writers to use.

Please note that I edit with Microsoft Word, electronically tracking changes as I go, so that writers can review my edits and accept them as needed.

My hourly rate is $50. In many cases, I am happy, and even prefer, to negotiate a flat fee for projects. Before starting my work, I provide writers with an estimate of the number of hours I think I’ll need. Payments may be made by check or via PayPal.

The chart below provides a very rough idea of what to expect for fees (based on manuscript pages of about 250 words):

Picture books: 2-4 hours
Middle-grade books: 8 hours and up
Young adult books: 10 hours and up
“First Pages”: 4-6 hours (or more, depending upon length)
Cover and query letters, synopses, plot outlines: 1-5 hours (minimum of 1 hour)

“Susan Korman is such a good editor that it’s hard to do her justice in only a few sentences. I’ve known her for many years, first as a member of a writers group and then as my editor at a publishing company. As a professional writer, I’ve worked with many editors in both the adult and children’s markets. Susan is one of the best. She sees the big picture: how plot and characters work together to create a great story. But she’s also a superb line editor with an incredible eye for detail. I am constantly amazed at how she improves a manuscript by adding–or subtracting–just a few words. And she does it all with kindness and good humor!”

—Martha Hewson, author of books for children and teens